Dermacentor reticulatus Fabricius, 1794 - photo by Вячеслав Юсупов via iNaturalist - License CC-BY-NC-4

Data portal

Sharing validated data on vector occurrences in Europe, to improve preparedness for vector-borne diseases

ECDC logo
EFSA logo

About VectorNet

VectorNet is a project of the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which aims to contribute to improving preparedness and response for vector-borne diseases, following a ‘One-Health’ approach.

VectorNet started in May 2014, and is now running its third iteration (2024–2029). VectorNet supports the collection of data on vectors and pathogens in vectors related to both animal and human health. The project is structured in 5 work packages, fostering Collaboration, Preparedness, Agility, Communication and Project coordination and management.

Vectornet maintains a common database on the presence and distribution of vectors and pathogens in vectors across Europe and the Mediterranean basin. The project is operated by a consortium including the following VectorNet experts. The vectornet database is uploaded periodically on the GBIF Vectornet Data portal.

VectorNet experts

Expertise Lead Deputy
Mosquitoes Alessandra della Torre Francis Schaffner
Ticks Annapaola Rizzoli Kayleigh Hansford
Sand flies Vít Dvořák Bulent Alten
Culicoides Thomas Balenghien Maria Goffredo
Vector Control Antonios Michaelakis Francis Schaffner
Epidemiology René Bødker Veerle Vanlerberghe
Trials Veerle Vanlerberghe Wim Van Bortel
Data analysis Kamil Erguler Cedric Marsboom
SLR Wim Van Bortel Francesca Dagostin
Data manager Tom Matheussen William Wint
GIS William Wint Cedric Marsboom
Project management Cedric Marsboom Marieta Braks